
ReWilding the Sacred Feminine


“Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species.” ~ Women Who Run with the Wolves

WomanEarth is a community, a tribe, a circle, a sisterhood that encourages, supports and holds space for women to step into their fullness.

Experiencing our interconnected oneness with the Living Earth we come home to what it really means to be a woman, our part in these times of great transformation and how to dance through these challenging times in dignity, joy and love. 

WomanEarth: Rewilding the Sacred Feminine

May 13 & 14, 2023

In this time of great social and ecological crisis, women from all walks of life are being called to unite and re-embody the elegant wild wisdom and power of the Sacred Feminine. Instinctively she knows that the long-forgotten balance between the sacred feminine and masculine energies is essential for healing oneself and our world.

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Raising Kundalini
Tapping Infinite Cosmic Energy

October 14 & 15, 2023

Kundalini energy is the divine feminine energy, also known as goddess energy and sometimes as serpent energy. In Hindu and Yoga philosophy, it is the creative power and energy of the universe. In Tantric text, Kundalini is a sleeping dormant potential life-force that is the very Essence of Life.

WomanEarth: Living Your ‘Yes’

Earth-centred Empowerment Strategies for Absolutely Loving Your Life

July 22 to October 8, 2023

The industrial growth complex offers a model of leadership centered in power-over, production, greed and death. The Sacred Feminine whispers to us of something new being given birth. This workshop is an invitation to go inside and listen to the still voice of the Great Mother.