• Permacultre in Ontario

Permaculture Courses - Ecological Design

The goal of Permaculture is to create harmonious lifestyles that respect and preserve the biodiversity of Life. Permaculture designers use a set of ethics and principles based on nature’s patterns to establish homesteads and landscapes that are regenerative, resilient and self-sustaining, require minimum care, provide for one’s needs and cause no harm to the planet. 

A creative design process based on whole-systems thinking Permaculture gives us the tools and skills to enhance the quality of life, benefit the community and prepare us for an uncertain future.

Permaculture integrates the best of ancient knowledge, sustainable technologies and disciplines to help us design ecologically sound, efficient and productive ways to live in our households, gardens, communities and businesses. Permaculture can be used by anyone, anywhere.

“The keystone of permaculture is a paradigm shift in our own human consciousness.From monoculture mind to polyculture mind. From separation to unity. From exploitation and manipulation to respect and interdependence. From intervener to ecosystem participant.” ~Dave Jacke

The hands-on training gives you a comprehensive experience in the principles and ethics of permaculture,  natural building, forest gardening, social and community models. The 4-Season Permaculture Course meets international standards as a foundational course for all Permaculture practitioners and teachers.

Permaculture offers visionary and practical solutions for personal and social change.

Permaculture Foundations

Permaculture Foundations

March 23-24, 2024

“Permaculture is practical, grass roots sustainabilty in action. It provides tools for people to reduce their immediate footprint and build resilient communities.“
~ Josh Byrne

Learn Permacultures’ core ethics, principles & techniques in this theory and hands-on experience. The weekend gives you practical skills and regenerative living practices that support personal, social and planetary health and resilience for generations to come. Informative, inspiring and practical!

Four-Season Permaculture

Four-Season Permaculture Certification Course

Designing for the New Earth Community

April 12 to Oct 20, 2024

“What permaculturists are doing is (some of) the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet. ” ~Dr. David Suzuki, Renowned Environmentalist 

Learn permaculture throughout the four-seasons in an internationally recognized, 72-hour certification training. You learn practical application in the ethics, principles, methods, techniques and practices of permaculture design. This course gives you a chance to implement as you learn, thereby reinforcing and refining new knowledge and skills.

Wild Plant Permaculture & Rewilding Practicum (PDC)

Rewilding Design System - Understanding the Language of Nature TBA

“A mass restoration of ecosystems offers us hope where there was little hope before.” – George Monbiot

Through hands-on, ecologically sound techniques learn to transform degraded woodlands and thickets. Create healthy, biodiverse, productive edible and medicinal native plant habitats. This part-time program is equally suited for the professional and the layperson, for landowners and land stewards, activists, naturalists, outdoor enthusiasts and native plant lovers. The first step is applying permaculture foundations. And then dive in deeper to understand how wild and plants embody permaculture and cooperate to enhance the environment for the benefit of all.

Sevenfold Path to Peace
Residential Apprenticeship Program

TBA, 2023

In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This apprenticeship offers grounded skills, knowledge and perspectives that open the way into a more regenerative future for yourself and the Earth. This hands-on experience unlocks skills and potential, passions and insights that open forest of possibilities.  This program supports individuals to become catalysts for change. Individuals who have a deep desire to be part of the global transition. The world needs pioneering souls who can ‘live the solution’ in all areas of their lives.

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Permaculture Design Presentations

October 19-20, 2024

“Permaculture is practical, grass roots sustainability in action. It provides immediate tools for people to reduce their environmental footprint and build resilient communities. ~Josh Byrne

We wish to invite our community to these free presentations by our newly certified 2021 Permaculture Design Graduates.

The Art of Natural Building:
Focus on Cob & Cordwood

July 27-28, 2024

“Whatever good things we build end up building us.” ~Jim Rihn

Natural building is an approach to building that uses minimally processed materials from nature to build durable structures that are healthy and have a nurturing feel for those lucky enough to live in them. This workshop integrates hands-on practical learning, with combined learning sessions laying the foundations for success with your future natural building projects.  

Permaculture Tours

April - Sept, 2024

“You can spend your whole life travlling around the world searching for the Garden of Eden, or you can create it in your own backyard.” ~Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Join us for a permaculture and forest garden tour. With one of the oldest forest gardens in Canada, a passive Earthship Greenhouse, Cordwood and Strawbale buildings, a 1-kilometre native plant trail, a variety of forest gardens,  microgreen operation and an organic bee village you will experience a Permaculture centre at its best.  Come out for one evening or experience this landscape through the seasons. Various subjects will be covered each evening.