Daily Protocol Suggestions for Staying Healthy During the Pandemic

Our Top 24 Daily Protocols We are breathing deeply We gargle with saltwater We are eating seaweed regularly We are taking high doses of Vitamin C Wash down areas with soap and water We are spraying our throats with an essential oil throat spray We are washing our hands with herbal soap and water Our daily practice Shamanu Primordial Movement and Breathwork We are having a sauna or a hot steam bath We are using Ozonated water (internally and externally) We are getting lots of sleep We are drinking lots of warm herbal teas We are drinking fire cider vinegar We are making fresh-squeezed lemon juice We are taking elderberry tea in extract form We are drinking fresh ginger juice tea We are integrating lots of garlic, onions, peppers and horseradish We make fresh vegetable juices and warming soups on most days We are eating primarily organic live-foods, sprouts, leafy greens We are making and drinking a fresh Electrolyte Lemonade We take our full-spectrum Immune Mushroom Extract formula daily Integrated our Herbal Immune Support Protocol We take walks around the forest gardens and in the woods We keep moving (strengthening your core) – Walk, run, hike, jump Additional Suggestions  1) Stay … Read more

2018 Lancet Countdown Canada Report on Climate Change

Humans and the livestock they consume is a tale that impacts lives in a deep and meaningful sense. Human history is interwoven with the production of meat for consumption, and its availability and nutritional value as a source of protein has played a major part in the diet as far back as we can imagine, shaping regional identities and global movements. The emotionally charged debate over the ethical suitability of meat consumption may never reach a conclusion, but it is only comparatively recently that the climate impact of livestock rearing and the nutritional and health issues caused by meat have become a pressing concern. Achieving a healthy diet from a sustainable source is a struggle new enough to countries with an abundance of food that it has proven difficult to enact meaningful change. Government efforts to curb consumption and thus curb weight gain in high-income countries are yet to display a meaningful effect, and most of these efforts are focused on sugar or fat. Similarly, the global ecological sustainability of farming habits has not been a major topic of conversation until the last few decades. It’s only now that we’re beginning to have a conversation about the role of meat … Read more

Becoming a Community Herbalist

by Shantree Kacera, R.H, D.N., Ph.D. Just as the flowers grow from the earth, so the remedy grows in the hands of the physician. The remedy is nothing but a seed that must develop into that which is destined to be. ~Paracelsus The Path of the Herbalist Community herbalists are deeply immersed in the plant community. They know which native or local wild plants can help and which ones are to be avoided. A community herbalist uses more of a folk or traditional approach, which means a deeper heartfelt approach and an emphasis on the interconnection between the plants, the individual, and the movement of the five elements in the environment. A community herbalist is predominantly concerned with the people, the plants, the natural landscape. This speaks of a healing path with heart. Community herbalists look more at the energetics of herbs – whether they’re warming you or cooling you down, whether they’re moistening or drying you. Traditionally, the community herbalist was the shaman, someone in tune not only with the plants and body but also with the energies of the bodies, places and plants. Their healing practices involved considerably more than the traditional, allopathic “treat the symptom” approach. Personally … Read more

Bliss – Living the Life You Were Born To

Every child knows that they are special, with unique gifts to offer the world. Dreams and imagination run wild in their untamed hearts as they prepare for a life of creativity, joy and fulfillment. So what happens along the way that so many lose their inner trust and passion? Why have we made spirited ecstasy – something that is so essential to the healthy development of our lives, relationships, and ecology – an endangered experience– and how do we reclaim this birthright? Bliss – that illusive experience that everyone is seeking yet so few people are experiencing on a regular basis – if at all. We may feel content in our lives, but it seems that feeling fully alive, creative and enthusiastic, often has to be put on the back burner, saved for weekends or that special trip. The weekend comes and goes, the trip comes and goes, the ‘thing’ you bought that you were so excited about just becomes another ‘thing’, and we all silently agree that this is just the way life is. So we work diligently on a spiritual practice hoping it will help us love whatever is happening in our lives. Certainly this is a good … Read more

Coconut Fudge

From RAWvolution, Matt Amsden A rich chunk of walnut and coconut fudge sweetened with agave nectar 3 c. raw walnuts ½ c. carob powder 2 c. shredded unsweetened coconut 5.8 c. agave nectar or honey Grind the walnuts in a food processor until they have a buttery consistency. In a large mixing bowl, combine the carob powder and shredded coconut and mix well. Add the ground walnuts and the agave or honey and mix well. Press the mixture into a glass baking dish, creating a flat, even layer approximately ¼ inch thick. Cut into squares and serve as is. Or cover and freeze until thoroughly chilled for a more solid consistency before cutting and serving.

Creating a New Human

Thomas Berry, cultural historian and scholar beautifully addresses our global situation and the shift in consciousness that is needed, and, is happening in his remarkable book ‘The Dream of the Earth’. His respect for Indigenous wisdom and insights coming from forward thinkers in the fields of physics and system theory, invites us to take seriously the possibility that we are entering another phase of human/earth evolution. One that will require what he and others refer to as the ‘creating of a new human’. I have pondered this deeply and the challenge that this offers me.  We have all developed our sense of reality based on the ‘cultural story’ we were born into. One culture might say that ‘success at any cost’ is the highest achievement of a culture. Another may say that ‘care of the Earth at any cost’ is the highest achievement. One’s life is then fashioned after these beliefs. But what is YOUR truth? Charles Eisenstein in his great book, ‘The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible’ speaks to the stories of the Industrial age that are destroying millions of years of evolutionary wonder in a remarkably short period of time. We are all so aware of the … Read more

Dandelion Spicy Chai Root Tea

There can be a great joy of foraging for one of your first crops of the season. Bitter foods such as dandelion leaf and root, chicory, rocket, and other bitter green foods can have a great digestion-enhancing effect! These bitter vegetables help to support our digestion by increasing bile flow, increasing gastric acid and improving our overall digestive function, which improves our nutritional capacity. It’s the bitter flavour of these foods (which sometimes we need to take time to a bit of time to get used to), which we need to taste to get these benefits. Bitter foods also play an important role in our immune system due to the increased gastric acid from eating bitter foods; it helps to create a more unfriendly environment for pathogens (as part of our first line of defence), as well as improving how well we break down food, which is important for our overall health as well. There is an herb we are blessed with in early spring, which is dandelion. The dandelion root tea has helped many get over the cravings for coffee. It’s a satisfying healthy alternative to coffee. Dandelion root tea continues to gain popularity. It has an earthy and … Read more

Everything you want to know about Organic Garden Prep this Spring

Written by Kaleigh Schmidt Spring is hanging in the air here at The Living Centre (TLC), and we are all getting excited about what this season is going to bring! The buzz of spring is energizing and revitalizing as we begin to see all the signs of Mother Nature coming back to life after the winter season! Basking in the warm sun, longer days and listening to the songbirds that have returned can be very endearing. Although for some homesteaders who rely on the growing season for food, medicines, teas and more, it can be a little overwhelming with everything that is needing to get done. So here are some tips and resources for making the most of this time of the year. Getting your garden in the best shape for growing plants, and most importantly having another season to be adding life and nutrition to your soil. Gaining more organic matter and vitality to the soil, this is the place that matters most in your garden. List of To-Dos for March: Begin utilizing any greenhouse space and hoop house space, sowing seeds that can take cooler weather and shorter days. This means mainly; kales, lettuces, micro-greens, spinach, herbs, cabbage … Read more

Greetings & Updates

A warm greeting on this beautiful day, It’s been a full and exciting winter season with the launch of our new website and the gathering of folks who will be an active part of The Living Centre this year. It’s great to have them here to offer those who come to their guidance, expertise and mostly, their friendship. On the horizon for this year is our new ‘Earth Lodge’ (still in process), new ponds, a native plant medicine trail, of course, the 7-month Mentorships, which we both feel so grateful to offer and much more.  It feels like a dynamic year full of the unexpected and the magical. A calling to listen openly and learn to ‘trust the process’ at a much deeper level than what we have known is guiding our choices. Can you feel how the calling to change, transform and claim your path of service to the beautiful Earth community – our home.  And joyfully participate in creating the new paradigm of inter-being. These are exciting times to be alive. Jayme, Daniel and their two little ones Norman and Archer who are creating the ‘Forest Garden Farmacy’ in our one-hectare pear orchard, and Jolanta Dabrowski our beekeeper … Read more

Ode to a Blossom

She came into the world the spring of 1998 as cherry blossoms announced – ‘It really is Spring!’ I’m not sure which one was her mom. Both Shana and CC had litters within days of each other and saw no reason to claim ownership, rather, they shared their nourishment with whomever was in need. A barn all to themselves –except for the odd racoon – two healthy, loving moms and us loving them at every chance – well – it was a good life.  When it came time for solid foods, which their moms would bring them in the form of mice, chipmunks or rabbits, and I would bring them in the form of kibble, they all robustly attacked the bowl – except for one. She seemed always to looking at something that I couldn’t see and without rush or need would wonder over to the bowl when she was good and ready. By 7 weeks she was in our home and by 8 weeks she had learned to climb our 8 foot  ladder up to our bedroom in the attic and soon make our bed hers.  We were all in love. Even Shantree, who’s family tradition only allowed for … Read more