Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Journeys

Celebrating the Sacred Unity of All Life


 Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings (set 1989) is an invitation to re-story our lives back into harmony with the living Earth and each other. To reclaim our ecological birthright and open our hearts to the radical interdependence of all existence.

Eco-philosophies, cosmology, eco-somatic practices, and visionary journeys support awakening a higher level of human consciousness.  Embodied integration processes bring us back home into the web of life and empower us to move from an era of violence and loss to a new era of peace, justice and environmental restoration.

Turning to Nature and the Cosmos as our guides, Shamanu invites us to embrace a new story for humanity that honours the sacredness of all life and protects future generations.

“Now is the time when we must renew ourselves and live as if we and all of life is sacred, and as if everything we do makes a difference.” ~Jean Houston

Birthing a New Era of Peace

A 8-month Shamanu Leadership Course

May 14 to Nov 12, 2024

This is the era of souls waking up. Propelled by a global crisis, we are called to embrace the mystics’ journey, re-imagine a new story for humanity, and birth a fresh understanding of our relationship with a living Earth and Cosmos.  

With every part of nature under siege, we enter the most important spiritual adventure of our times. One that cultivates the courage, compassion and insight needed to co-create mutually enhancing relationships with one another and all Life.

Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings

Wild Wisdom

April 6 & 7, 2024

To embody ancient and modern earth philosophies; to dance a poetic interpretation of the modern Universe Story; to connect with air, fire, water, earth and ether/Spirit as companions that express their wisdom in, through and as us; to remember that our relations include animals, plants, stars and planets and to once again feel in our bodies that we are home and interwoven in a magnificent matrix of beauty and wonder, and step into a new and ancient story that honours the sacredness of all life and protects future generations is the invitation of Shamanu.

Embodied Radiance
with Francesca: Sacred Earth Sounds & Lorenna: Shamanu

Reclaiming Your Innate Frequency of Love


In these times of such great change and uncertainty, when institutions we have counted on for stability and peace of mind are failing us, how do we maintain inner balance, serenity and joy?  This weekend is a space for cleansing, healing and visioning.  An invitation to release the fear body, reclaim your Source connection and activate the frequency of Love that you are.

Wonder, Play & Prayer



Wonder, play & prayer reawakens the direct experience of belonging to something larger than oneself. A space where we can feel loved, nourished and guided by the great forces of creation. A resting place to tend to the inner yearnings of our hearts within an interconnected reality

Journey into Sacred Silence

Nov 30 & Dec 1, 2024

Slow down into the restorative space of sacred silence through organic movement, dance, primordial soundscapes, and gentle breathing processes. Gentle movements soften us into the resonant field of interconnected fluidity – the home of dreams, visions and regeneration. Rebuild trust in ones inherent body wisdom and heart intelligence. Held within ritual space, self-paced and intuitively centered, this workshops inspires authentic and imaginative exploration.

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ReWilding the Sacred Feminine

2023 Workshops TBA

In a time of social and ecological crisis women are being called to come together in Circle and re-activate the elegant wild power and truth of the Sacred Feminine. By doing this we bring balance, love and unity back to our lives, our communities and to the living Earth. Through ceremonies, rituals, discussion, reflection, healing and creative expression we journey together into heart-space for insight and understanding, reactivating the wild wisdom of the untamed Sacred Feminine. 

Primordial Movement &
the Cosmic Body

Workshops & Series 2024

There is a movement that permeates the Universe – the Primordial Wave.

Over billions of years, these gigantic waves gathered particles together shaping them into Stars, Galaxies, Sun,  Air,  Water, Earth – and YOU – crafting a perfectly designed organism to meet the joys and challenges of living within a green-blue planet.

Reconnect with your primal wisdom and self-healing abilities through Primoridal Movement, Sound and Breath processes.

Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings Correspondence Course

For 30 years. Shamanu has distilled core teachings that aid the evolution of each individual to create empowered choices, lives and societies. The correspondence process helps us to remember that we are an integral part of a larger living system, as essential to the planet as the forests and oceans, with a unique gift to bring to our beautiful world. 

The Sevenfold Path: Residential Apprenticeship Program


In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This mentorship offers grounded skills, knowledge and perspectives that opens the way into a more regenerative future for yourself and the Earth. This hands-on experience unlocks skills and potential, passions and insights that opens a forest of possibilities. The world needs pioneering souls who can ‘live the solution’ in all areas of their lives.