
While we strive to make the Living Arts Institute programs available to anyone seeking to enhance their personal, professional and spiritual life a 100% tuition without work exchange is rare. We’ve offered a few to specific people whom we’ve especially wanted in the training, such as teachers from third world countries, indigenous elders, and physically-disabled journeyers. All scholarships are partial and because our funds are limited, even if you are eligible for a scholarship, it is not guaranteed that you will receive one.

Please note that scholarships are not available for private consultations. If you request a full scholarship without work-trade, please submit a personal letter, and tell us why.

We cannot exchange for things like music, artwork, bodywork or extracurricular teaching. These are all wonderful and we do enjoy them, but we can’t trade you for them.

We have specific areas that you could be of help before and during the course. These would be discussed closer to the time of the training.

Financial need is also assessed on the basis of your annual household income.

To be eligible your maximum gross household income is:

  • 1 person – $28,500 or less
  • 2 people – $34,500

If your income exceeds these amounts please do not apply for a scholarship.

Professional Training Scholarships typically cover 20% of the total cost of the course.

Taking the Initiative

The programs offered at The Living Centre are each designed to empower you with the skills and confidence it takes to go out into the world and ‘be the solution’. When we reconnect with, nature and spirit require gaining practical skills and changing consciousness. This brings transformation, and transformation results in ’empowerment’.

A new paradigm is afoot. One in which we realize our skills as not something that only serves our personal needs, but that supports the health and well-being of our communities. With this said, we encourage you to take an active role in the fundraising work. Ask for help from your community. It may be hard at first, but none of us can do it alone. When you invest your time and energy to make this happen, you will get so much more out of the experience. It will be your manifestation, not ours.

Fun-raising Ideas

We strongly encourage every applicant to empower yourself by taking an active role in generating your own scholarship. Here are some suggestions to ‘prime the pump’. We are sure that once you get started all sorts of creative ideas will rush in.

A few suggestions:

  • Instead of birthday and holiday gifts, ask your friends and family to give you money for the course.
  • Remember, once you return from your training you will have a lot to share. Plan a workshop for when you return and ask people to pay upfront. If you want to learn something really well – teach it!
  • Would your community support a second person to come with you? If two of you co-train you will have the support and be more effective. Perhaps you can travel together and offer workshops together as well upon the completion of your training.
  • What skills do you have? Can you do crafts and sell them. Through a fun-raising party, video screening, baseball tournament, dinner, creativity night. Have a garage sale and get your friends to help.
  • People are always needing help around their yard. I’m sure they would be happy to know that their payment to you is going to be used in such a useful way.
  • If you are working for a company would the organization pay for your training. Many companies are doing this nowadays.
  • What about continuing education paid by your boss or a local college or university?
  • Do you live in a desirable location where a person might enjoy a holiday while you are gone?
  • Remember, if you are here on a residential program all of your food costs are covered. Your food budget could be halved, or the whole month is taken care of.
  • Get creative! Think out of the box! Empower yourself!

We know that you may feel a little nervous and unsure at first, but once you begin you will realize how delighted most people are to support a good cause. And you are a good cause! All it takes is the first step. This is a very personally empowering act. You have it in your skills to make your life happen. By supporting your own fundraising efforts you send a message to the universe that You are in charge of your life. Let it be fun and it will become contagious.


Contact us directly through email with a letter of interest. Indicate why you are applying and your interest in the program.

If you have any questions please contact us or call at (519) 652-9109 or (519) 652-0230

Please note:

Submitting an application for a work-trade scholarship does not register you for the program. Submission of application for the scholarship must be accompanied by the completed registration form and payment for the desired program.

We greatly appreciate your interest in our programs and will carefully consider your request. You will be notified by email about the status of your application.