The Underlying Cause of All Our Problems

A few days ago Shantree and I saw the movie, Selma. It chronicles the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition. We were both very impacted by the movie and it led me to question, as I often do, what the underlying ’cause’ is that would allow a person to see another being as less than oneself, and treat that being with disdain, disrespect and even hatred as though their life didn’t really matter. All of this is so poignantly portrayed in the movie.

While this is a complex question in some ways, in others it is simple. Heres my take on it. My belief is that the root cause of all of our problems is that we have come to believe in the illusion that we are separate and superior to this Earth. Let me explain how this ties into prejudice.

earthwomanFor most of human history, we walked in union with nature, perhaps even seeing all aspects of nature as ‘kin’ in some sense. Certainly, an Earth that humans were a part of and dependent upon.   Archeological studies reveal that our ancestors held respect and even reverence in some cases, for all aspects of life.  They knew and worked with maintaining the balance so necessary to everyones existence. They were connected.

Of course one could say that they were connected only because they had to be for survival, and this is true.  But there’s something magical that happens when we allow ourselves to connect. I mean really connect with something. We begin to understand it. Respect and even awe at the marvel of that ‘being’, be it animal, insect, eco-system, tree, frog or human, is evoked in us. We begin to care for it. Even the most ruthless killers, when we take the time to understand them, we discover hidden sensitivities and gems of life that opens our hearts to them.

The Agricultural Revolution of 10,000 years ago, set in motion an interesting belief that we had the right to make the Earth do what we wanted. After so many centuries of living in connection with Earth, is it possible that the only way for the psyche to handle subjugating the Earth, humans and other animals, was to make them, in one’s own mind, ‘less’ than oneself – to create separation? Make them less important, less needy, less intelligent, less of everything things without feelings or, in some cases, life. We certainly did this to the African Americans. And of course, when anything is enslaved and abused for long enough, the light of its consciousness begins to fade and they appear less intelligent. We see this with animals. An animal, take a cow, for instance, that is loved and respected, allowed to live and birth in natural ways, has personality and intelligence. We see her as a friend, maybe even part of the family – as opposed to those who are held as slaves in slaughterhouses, and put through trials and tribulation no being should ever have to experience. In a way, its a kindness of life that dulls one’s senses so as not to feel the pain and suffering inflicted.

The Industrial Revolution, of 300 years ago, and with it, a reductionist science brought even a further sense of separation from nature. Seeing nature as something dead to be used for the good of humans, we have forgotten our roots. We are born of the Earth, come out of her, and are dependent upon this magnificent living organism for our very survival.  Some would say that we come from God. Perhaps. Yet, what we do know for sure is if you take away any one of the life-giving elements of water, air, fire or earth, even for a short period of time – God or no God you are dead. We are indeed born of the stuff of the Earth.

Science has also opened us to new ways of seeing our origin, from the universe story perspective to a study of living systems, confirming much of what our wise ancestors already knew – that we are one, interconnected. It has also opened awareness to so much more about what we are and our origins. Its fascinating. We are discovering that the Earth is not some dead thing (although some scientists still believe this) but a living being able to self-regulate and in the constant process of adapting, creating and organizing. This is the intelligence we are born of. This is our heritage – and when we can tap into this same genius in ourselves – because, as I like to say, we are Earth in expression as humans – this is also our strength.

One thing I have witnessed in my own life, and in the lives of all those I have had the honour of mentoring through the Shamanu: Earth Wisdom processes, is that when we truly cultivate our connection with the living Earth we discover that we are simply one part of a larger web of life that is utterly interconnected in all ways – physically and energetically. That each part of this web has a particular and important part to play in the scheme of things. That we are part of a family much larger than our personal or human family. This engenders a sense of wonder and awe – and as I said earlier – a love that instinctively wants to care for all aspects of this one Earth family – our family.

Would there be ruthless prejudice, de-humanization, mistreatment of animals, careless deforestation, and on and on, IF we know in the depths of our hearts that we are all one? That separation is indeed an illusion set in place to allow many of the atrocities that only a consciousness living in separation can be part of. I am not saying that originally we did this on purpose. It’s something that happened – likely with good intent. But here we are now living on a planet that is shrivelling and humans enslaved by so many systems that have nothing to do with the natural rhythms of life and happiness.

We can return to nature. I understand that this is no easy task. It requires a great deal of soul-searching – or inner and outer regeneration of belief systems and practices that no longer support life. But, it can be done and must be done. I was shocked when I learned that over 90% of all species who have lived on planet Earth are now extinct. Some from comets hitting the Earth and causing ice ages, some for other reasons – many of which we will never know. What we do know is that life works in certain ways – there are laws – either we abide by those laws or we too are ‘out of here’. This is a sobering thought to a species that has prided itself on invincibility – the masters of creation.

Let us turn again to nature. Learn from her, discover how life has been doing it for so very long – successfully, magnificently! And in this remembering, we will discover that we are not alone. We have the power of all that has come before us living in our cells. We are part of an amazing living system that is intelligent – actually genius. We can tap into that same genius and wisdom. It’s flowing through our veins. It is what we are, we have just imagined that we are separate from it.Lorenna

As the illusion of separation dissolves, and it is happening quickly, we will see new Earth Communities sprouting like healthy eco-systems. Yes, there will be death and decay, and challenges. That’s how we grow and learn. In this, we can choose. Let us choose to create together communities centred in peace, equality, and love for all Life. It’s a lot more fun!

Thank you for listening. I hope there were some thoughts you found useful and maybe even inspiring.

In peace,

Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, founder of Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings, co-founder of The Living Centre